
Ceita Corê Farm :

The Ceita Corê Farm is located about 36 miles of urban center, by the highway that connect the Pantanal zone, and its being paving now. On arrival we find a great lake of calms and limpid waters, with receive frequent breezes. The  calm atmosphere of the place is infectious, and enhanced by rustic decor that perfectly mixes into the ambient with style and good taste. The reception  landscape is composed  by a great lake and very well wooded grass, streaming flows, rest areas and a huge pool feed by natural waters.
Soon we arrive, a delicious breakfast is served, remaining some time to appreciate and photograph the place. After a few minutes we leave in vehicles with the local guides to the beginning of trail along the side of the river, with many explanations about the local wildlife and  little stops to swim and behold. In the return to reception the lunch is served with typical meals and  candies.
After a siesta around the place we go ahead to Chapena's river source, a narrow well of turquoise-waters with more than 216 meters depth , where is possible refresh and dive. The whole activities ended with a horse ride and lake's behold before the afternoon  snack.

The blue lake grotto:

The Blue Lake Grotto is the Bonito's main postcard, worldwide know and turned a national patrimony by the national artistic and historical patrimony institute (IPHAN), it's located about 20 miles of urban center by the Pantanal highway.
After a few minutes of road beyond the local landscape, we can see the agglomerate of cars in the park area of reception, this one maybe got the most simply structure compared to the others attractive, with bathrooms,souvenirs store,information centers, and a snack bar surrounded of seats and wood tables. A television give the itinerary and general data of the place.
We classified in small groups, and equipped with helmet and receive important security instructions from a local guide. Proceeding to a quick trail walk into the Grotto entry, where we caught by surprise with the drop view, between the foliages and rock formations, like stalagmites and stalactites. Many of it, with a curious form. 
We are able to see the humidity condensation inside the cave while we keep going down, some careful and attention is needed on the path hew in the rustic rocks, where the humidity makes grown slippery moss. The Grotto is a great difficult place, in relation to photos capitation, because of low light of bottom, being important carry little tripods, and adjust the ISO sensibility of machine into the max possible.
The local guides say there is a ideal visiting period in the year, its on the morning, when the sun rays falls directly upon the blue lake. But in general i strongly recommend the visitation on the morning period.

The Natural Aquarium:

The Natural Aquarium is located about 6 miles of urban center, and holds one of the most beautiful floatings of the region, and a little particular zoo with local fauna. The infrastructure is very elegant and matches rustic elements in a very modern and practice way.
It takes only a few minutes by car to the attractive reception, that is very welcoming with his surrounded gardens and ornamental plants, ally with manufacture peaces, and modern structures of wood and thatch that give some "charm" to the place. In the receptive, beyond the informations with employers behind a huge wood balcony, we got our attention quickly stolen to two big monitors showing a slideshow of the preview floating group, and to a little souvenirs store. While we wait, we are able to "explore" the place, looking ahead a very wide swimming area, with pools and kiosks, making the transition between the restaurant, that is very wide too, and fresh. beside it a rest area.
So we follow the local guide into the changing room, where we equipped to the floating with masks, neoprene clothes,shoes,and life jackets. After entry into the trail that go through some meters until the floating beginning, and extends by 900 meters into a real "Show of Nature", that justified the name of the place. After it, we proceed into 2 miles of trails and catwalks, though Cerrado typical vegetation,fields,bogs,and lakes, with the possibility of see the reserve animals.
We Return to the reception, and enjoy a delicious lunch, with regional meals, and a deserved siesta on the cushions, of rest area beside it.

Rafting of Formoso river:

The Rafting of Formoso river is located about 10 miles of urban center and is a good options t the ones who got adventure spirit and like fun. Rafting Boats, made of a kevlar and rubber mix ( the same material used in the police Kevlar) guarantee enjoy to 14 peoples.
After some minutes of dirty road, we arrive into the place where boats leave, and that holds the most simple structures of all attractive, in  relation to receptive aspect, holding only a little installation that offers only basics supplements, and security equipment, like life jackets. Is here where we wait for the groups classifying, and the arrive of rowers. We walk some meters ahead until the decks where some security instructions are retraced before we leave. Being escort during the whole time for photographers on kayaks.
Is a long route, but isn't boring, abut 8 miles, over 3 waterfalls and 2 rapids. The rowers team is a fun apart, making the "ice break" and the plays in/ between the boats, beyond the water wars among the groups. Is possible see the aquatic gardens, and savage animals, like a giant "Sucuri" snake on the grass, that seems more a tractor tire at distance.
The final destination is the Priest Island, a spa with a complete infrastructure of service, with restaurant,bar,bathrooms,camping. Beyond swimming areas.

Jaguar Mouth:

The Jaguar mouth Farm is the most far attractive on  the Pantanal highway, located about 60 miles of urban center, got a huge waterfall with its name, "Jaguar Mouth", that holds the tittle of higher waterfall of Mat Grosso do Sul, we are talking about 160 meters f altitude. Being able to enjoy  the beauty f Salobra's river, of crystalline blue-turquoise waters.
After some time on the road we arrive in receptive, having as first scenario a huge grass with gardens and ornamental plants that surround a awesome infrastructure and the thematic decor full of style. all this framed into a landscape of fields,mountains and forests of Cerrado.
The Receptive deserves special attention, because of thematic decor and a beautiful sculpture in the outside  porch, of course, a Jaguar. After the welcoming, we wait for a few minutes in the place until the transport arrive, with the local guides, starting a exciting descent through roads of accented slope, until the begin of forest path. Moving across preserved jungle besides the riverbank of Salobra's river. Stopping in some points of swim and natural pools,beyond the waterfalls, about 10 of then.
We can see the rappel platform over the waterfall even before see entire it, and when arrive to the site, we stay without words to describe it, the view is almost a fiction movie scenario. A waterfall that seems came from the sun higher above us.
The group stay for a while , and go to the stairways, that must have about 2.000 ladders, and tens of rest points each stair lance. After all we can take some photos of valley where flows the lonely Salobra's river from rappel platform. When we back t receptive, we are welcomed with a delicious lunch and regional candies, now we can take a rest in the hammocks, poltroons,chairs, and kiosks. And later refresh ourself's in a huge and curious pool of natural waters, crowded with regional fishes. The day ends with a afternoon snack.

The overlook trail:

The Overlook Trail is located about 7 miles of urban center, it's the main option for the ones who like a tracking among the nature and desire, after all see the city of Bonito by another angle.
We can see in the arrive a big structure of ancient style, the museum of Overlook trail, with tens of artifacts, among artifacts of Paraguai's war, padded animals, old objects etc. After a few minutes , we go up to the top of building with the local guide, to a catwalk path that takes to  the trails were we can see the birds and local animals. We are caught by surprise of overlook's view  from Cerrado landscapes and the city, a good place for photographs.
When we back, still can make the walk among the animals of a  little zoo keep in the place. After all a different option of attractive.

The jibóia project:

The Jibóia Project already is very conceptualized in the city, with  takes the important paper of spreed knowledge about ecological preservation, behind a lecture of project owner, Mr. Henrique. Having a relative easy access because it's located inside the urban perimeter.
After we arrive, we take a seat and wait, about half-hour before the fixed, how is recommended. When all the public is on your seats, the lecture begins with the nice,lecturer and project owner. Who is a attractive apart.
So we know the your history, the project intention, and the snake's world. Over almost time the lecturer is holding and accommodate one of yours serpents in his neck. In the end of lecture we can see the serpents feed, finally of course with a photos section. Some visitors show some restrain and distrust but we secured total security in handle, and a unforgettable experience for all.

The Cabana's Arborism:

The Arborism is more one attractive that city offers, it can be make in other places. The  Cabanas Hotel's Arborism is a track about 300 meters, spotted at 6 miles of urban center, in the city's main road 
At the arrive, after few minutes by car, or even ridding a bike, we are able to see a very wooded  place, with own parking area. The  decor got a rustic style that add " charm" to the site. The receptive accounts with a complete structure, like souvenirs stores, bathrooms, informations center, kiosks, and all the structure of an Nature Hotel.
After few minutes of waiting, we all are welcome by the local guides, who give us all the instructions in a simulated circuit in land. Besides equip us  with helmets, gloves, etc. The track begins with a short walk by a trail between the " cabanas" and the trees, that taking us to the arborism beginning. This is formed by more than 20 different stations, with sorted skill levels and highs vary between 4 at 15 meters. Having support of experienced monitors on "air" and scouted by a Photographer in land.
We end the track with a "tirolesa" over the Formoso River, for a refresh, what's very fun. We are brought to the receptive by cars, there we are able to see the pictures of day.
*Tirolesa : is a kind of handlebars guided by a cable, were we pass  to a higher spot to a lower one, or just "drop" in his course,  often into the  water.  

Cabana's Bóia Cross :
The Cabana's Hotel also offers the called "bóia cross", another very funny option in the clear waters of Formoso's river.  The tourists are divided in small groups, and move to the riverside, to start deck where some quick instructions are passed. The excite is guaranteed while the track by the monitors who animate the group and play tricks all the time.
Even being relative short, it is enough to enjoy the waterfalls  and the funny moments.

Fig Tree Beach:

A centenarian fig Tree , with more than 1.000 meter-square of treetop and an artificial beach originated by a limestone prospection give the name's place. Spotted about 14 miles of urban center. 
 We are able to see soon in arrive the huge green and wooded fields, from the top of the hill, under the fig tree we can realize the eventual size of the place, that accounts with a good restaurant, lot of kiosks, bars, bathrooms, overlook, a really full structure, "full of beach style".
On the " beach", we can perform many activities, with the rent of kayaks, volleyballs,etc. Even a boat tour or motorcycles. We can't avoid notice the fishes of the place, of very dark colors, almost black.
After the lunch the rest under the fig tree is very welcome. 

Formoso's river Balneary:

The Formoso's River Municipal Balneary, most knowed by " Municipal Balneary", is held by the city hall and is one of fund sources of the Municipal Tourism Fund, the FUMTUR. Spotted  about 7 miles of urban center.
At arrive, after few minutes by car, or even riding a bike, we pass throw the reception, that allows free access only to the locals. We keep ahead by the parking area shade and wooded by huge trees.
There we find a good structure, with bathrooms, kiosks,3 restaurants in operation, besides 2 support spots with trained lifeguards.
There are available too for rent, balls of soccer and volley, for the squares in the middle of the huge camp, closets, dive masks and suits, and a kind of fish "pet food".
The place is perfect for the ones who want spend a rest day, assembling the friends for a barbecue, dive or just refresh in a typical hot day.

The River-Fish waterfalls:

Most knowed as "River-fish" this attractive is located about 35 miles of urban center, by the road that takes to Pantanal area, and this one should be without doubt the most popular attractive, because of singular experience that mix wild life, country and familiar atmosphere. In addition to the best regional meal's with incredible variety and flavors.
We travel a few minutes by the road, through many landscapes, like fields,hills,jungle and rivers. When rise from the edge of a hill a huge field, and the other vehicles. The arrive in the receptive is trail by very showy ornamental paths, gardens and birds sing, being welcome by the owner Sr.Moacir and his wife. This last ones being a add, with his infectious happiness, and "stories" make us laugh with only few seconds of speech.
After explore the place of exuberant wildlife and nature, vibrant and rustic architecture, complete structure, with airy balconies,rest p-laces, natural pools and rivers. Where wild animals and birds walk with almost "domestic" harmony. We are introduced to our guides, and keep in groups for the tracks beyond the fields and woods, always next to the river, stopping in many spots for refresh into the rivers and waterfalls fully of exotic beauty of the place. worthy of amazing photos.
At the return, we enjoy a delicious lunch, typical of Mato Grosso do Sul with many kind of homemade candies. What force us to take a rest in a special place, where animals run with frequency and the wind blows soft.
After a few hours of rest, Sr. Moacir invite us to feed the monkeys, that came in large groups after a peculiar call of owner. A curious thing. After this we move to the second part of the tour, a refresh into the dark-green waters of Olaria river. What ends the day.

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